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Looking down-stream at the dam |
Mission Kid in Africa
Friday, November 10, 2017
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Dam Project
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Somehow this didn't get posted last year. Hope you enjoy it.
We have had a LOT of fires since my last post. They were all put out safely.
We have had a LOT of fires since my last post. They were all put out safely.
I’m in Dar es salaam now and have gone to the beach a few
times. I have seen on one or more time(snorkeling sometimes): Black
Brittlestars(Ophiocoma erinaceus), thousands of Oval Urchins(Echinometra
mathaei), Needle-Spine Urchins who gave ma a few spines in my foot and
leg(Diadema setosum), Fireworm(Scary, very scary[Eurythoe complanata]), sea
cucumbers, Hundreds of Textile cones(eee. ah. Don’t step on them or near them.
[Conus textile]), 2 Elongate giant clams(one of which I accidently found out to
have SHARP edges[Tridacna maxima]), quite a few black damsels(one of which may
have had a nest?[Stegastes nigricans]), 2 large white spotted pufferfish (who
were way cool and skiddish[Arothron hispidus]) an indian lionfish(wow [Pterois
miles]), half-moon butterfly fish(Chaetodon lunula), a few floral
morays(creepy[Echidna nebulosa]), SEAWEEDS OF ALL KINDS, CORALS OF MANY KINDS,
a black edged conger(Conger cinereus cinereus), and a pipeworm who looked really scary even though he was only about 3 inches
long, and other fish.
It has been really cool, and sometimes scary.
SO, if you ever come to dar and are near Coco Beach, I
suggest you bring, borrow, or rent snorkeling gear ang go snorkeling right of
Coco Beach.
Happy holidays,
Floral Moray |
Black edged conger |
a brittlestar in the middle and a leg of another near the sea urchin. |
some fish |
you see what I see? |
on the rock - is a pipefish. yes its that seahorse-faced long wormy thing |
Just coral |
Oh, yes they do hurt(needle-spine urchins) |
They're not street urchins. Uh, no. They're sea urchins. |
a sea cucumber feeding |
Hmm. Wonder who that is. oops, I put the tip of my snorkel underwater. glug glug glug. :) |
Friday, October 27, 2017
A blog about coconuts
Coconut milk and other coconut products are used widely here in Tanzania.
The coconut tree (Cocos nucifera)
is a member of the palm family (Arecaceae) and the only
species of the genus Cocos.The term coconut can refer to the whole
coconut palm or the seed, or the fruit, which, botanically, is a
drupe, not a nut. The spelling cocoanut is an archaic form of the
word. The term is derived from the 16th-century Portuguese and
Spanish word coco meaning "head" or "skull", from
the three indentations on the coconut shell that resemble facial
Coconuts are known for their
great versatility, as well as forming a regular part of the diets of many
people in the tropics and subtropics. Coconuts are distinct from
other fruits for their large quantity of water (also called "juice")
and when immature, they are known as tender-nuts or jelly-nuts(madafu in Kiswahili) and
may be harvested for their potable coconut water. When mature, they
can be used as seed nuts or processed to give oil from the kernel,
charcoal from the hard shell, and coir from the fibrous husk. The
endosperm is initially in its nuclear phase suspended within the
coconut water. As development continues, cellular layers of endosperm
deposit along the walls of the coconut, becoming the edible coconut
"flesh". When dried, the coconut flesh is called copra. The
oil and milk derived from it are commonly used in cooking and frying,
as well as in soaps and cosmetics. The husks and leaves can be used
as material to make a variety of products for furnishing and
Cocos nucifera is a large palm,
growing up to 98 ft tall, with pinnate leaves 13–20 ft long, and
pinnae 60–90 cm long; old leaves break away cleanly, leaving
the trunk smooth. Coconuts are generally classified into two general
types: tall and dwarf. On fertile soil, a tall coconut palm tree can
yield up to 75 fruits per year, but more often yields less than 30,
mainly due to poor cultural practices. Given proper care and growing
conditions, coconut palms produce their first fruit in six to ten
years, taking 15 – 20 years to reach peak production.
Botanically, the coconut fruit is
a drupe, not a true nut. Like other fruits, it has three layers: the
exocarp, mesocarp, and endocarp. The exocarp and mesocarp make up the
"husk" of the coconuts. Coconuts sold in the shops of
nontropical countries often have had the exocarp (outermost layer)
removed. The mesocarp is composed of a fiber, called coir, which has
many traditional and commercial uses. The shell has three germination
pores or "eyes" that are clearly visible on its outside
surface once the husk is removed.
A full-sized coconut weighs about
3.2 lb. It takes around 6,000 full-grown coconuts to produce a metric
ton of copra.
Unlike some other plants, the
palm tree has neither a tap root nor root hairs, but has a fibrous
root system.
The coconut palm root system
consists of an abundance of thin roots that grow outward from the
plant near the surface. Only a few of the roots penetrate deep into
the soil for stability. This type of root system is known as fibrous
or adventitious, and is a characteristic of grass species. Other
types of large trees produce a single downward-growing tap root with
a number of feeder roots growing from it.
Coconut palms continue to produce
roots from the base of the stem throughout their lives. The number of
roots produced depends on the age of the tree and the environment,
with more than 3,600 roots possible on a tree that is 60 to 70 years
Roots are usually less than about
3 inches in diameter and uniformly thick from the tree trunk to the
root tip.
Dispersal and Growth
It is often stated that coconuts
can travel 110 days, or 3,000 miles, by sea and still be able to
germinate. This figure has been questioned based on the extremely
small sample size that forms the basis of the paper that makes this
The conditions required for
coconut trees to grow without any care are:
Mean daily temperature above
54–55°F every day of the year
Mean annual rainfall above 39 in
No or very little overhead
canopy, since even small trees require direct sun
The main limiting factor for most
locations which satisfy the rainfall and temperature requirements is
canopy growth, except those locations near coastlines, where the
sandy soil and salt spray limit the growth of most other trees.
Production and cultivation
Coconut palms are grown in more
than 90 countries of the world, with a total production of 61million
metric tons
per year. Most of the world production is in tropical Asia, with
Indonesia, the Philippines, and India accounting collectively for 73%
of the world total.
In some parts of the world
(Thailand and Malaysia), trained pig-tailed macaques are used to
harvest coconuts. Thailand has been raising and training pig-tailed
macaques to pick coconuts for around 400 years.
Training schools for pig-tailed
macaques still exist both in southern Thailand and in Malaysia
Coconuts in Countries
In Goa, the coconut tree has been
reclassified by the government as a palm (like a grass), enabling
farmers and real estate developers to clear land with fewer
restrictions. With this, it will no more be considered as a tree and
no permission will be required by the forest department before
cutting a coconut tree.
United States
In the United States, coconut
palms can be grown and reproduced outdoors without irrigation in
Hawaii, southern and central Florida, and the territories of Puerto
Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
Coconut palms do not grow in
California because of extended periods below 50°F in the winter. One
specimen survived for about 20 years in Newport Beach, California;
however, it died in 2014, without ever producing a coconut.Uses
The coconut palm is grown
throughout the tropics for decoration, as well as for its many
culinary and nonculinary uses; virtually every part of the coconut
palm can be used by humans in some manner and has significant
economic value.
The various parts of the coconut
have a number of culinary uses. The seed provides oil for frying,
cooking, and making margarine. The white, fleshy part of the seed,
the coconut meat, is used fresh or dried in cooking, especially in
confections and desserts such as macaroons. Desiccated coconut or
coconut milk made from it is frequently added to curries and other
savory dishes. Coconut chips have been sold in the tourist regions of
Hawaii and the Caribbean. Coconut butter is often used to describe
solidified coconut oil, but has also been adopted as a name by
certain specialty products made of coconut milk solids or puréed
coconut meat and oil. Dried coconut is also used as the filling for
many chocolate bars. Some dried coconut is purely coconut, but others
are manufactured with other ingredients, such as sugar, propylene
glycol, salt, and sodium metabisulfite. Shredded or flaked coconut is
used as a garnish on some foods. Some countries in Southeast Asia use
special coconut mutant called Kopyor coconut (Kopyor in Indonesia) or
macapuno (in the Philippines) as dessert drinks.
Coconut water
Coconut water serves as a
suspension for the endosperm of the coconut during its nuclear phase
of development. Later, the endosperm matures and deposits onto the
coconut rind during the cellular phase. It is consumed throughout the
humid tropics, and has been introduced into the retail market as a
processed sports drink. Mature fruits have significantly less liquid
than young, immature coconuts, barring spoilage. Coconut water can be
fermented to produce coconut vinegar.
Coconut milk
Coconut milk, not to be confused
with coconut water, is obtained primarily by extracting juice by
pressing the grated coconut white kernel or by passing hot water or
milk through grated coconut, which extracts the oil and aromatic
compounds. It has a total fat content of 24%, most of which (89%) is
saturated fat, with lauric acid as a major fatty acid. When
refrigerated and left to set, coconut cream will rise to the top and
separate from the milk. The milk can be used to produce virgin
coconut oil by controlled heating and removal of the oil fraction.
Coconut oil
Another product of the coconut is
coconut oil. It is commonly used in cooking, especially for frying.
It can be used in liquid form as would other vegetable oils, or in
solid form as would butter or lard.
The sap derived from incising the
flower clusters of the coconut can be reduced by boiling to create a
sweet syrup or candy. It can be reduced further to yield coconut
sugar also referred to as palm sugar or jaggery.
Heart of palm and coconut sprout
Apical buds of adult plants are
edible, and are known as "palm cabbage" or heart of palm.
They are considered a rare delicacy, as harvesting the buds kills the
palms. Hearts of palm are eaten in salads, sometimes called
"millionaire's salad". Newly germinated coconuts contain an
edible fluff of marshmallow-like consistency called coconut sprout,
produced as the endosperm nourishes the developing embryo.
Coconut is an indispensable
ingredient in Indonesian cooking. Coconut meat, coconut milk, and
coconut water are often used in main courses, desserts, and soups
throughout the archipelago. In 2010, Indonesia increased its coconut
production. It is now the world's largest producer of coconuts. The
gross production was 15 million tonnes.
Harvesting coconuts in the
Philippines is done by workers who climb the trees using notches cut
into the trunk.
The Philippines is the world's
second-largest producer of coconuts; the production of coconuts plays
an important role in the economy. Coconuts in the Philippines are
usually used in making main dishes, refreshments, and desserts.
Coconut juice is also a popular drink in the country.
Coir (the fiber from the husk of
the coconut) is used in ropes, mats, door mats, brushes, and sacks,
as caulking for boats, and as stuffing fiber for mattresses. It is
used in horticulture in potting compost, especially in orchid mix.
Coconut fronds
The stiff mid-ribs of coconut
leaves are used for making brooms in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the
Maldives, and the Philippines. The green of the leaves are stripped
away, leaving the veins (wood-like, thin, long strips) which are tied
together to form a broom or brush. A long handle made from some other
wood may be inserted into the base of the bundle and used as a
two-handed broom. The leaves also provide material for baskets that
can draw well water and for roofing thatch; they can be woven into
mats, cooking skewers, and kindling arrows, as well. Dried coconut
leaves can be burned to ash, which can be harvested for lime.
Copra is the dried meat of the
seed and after processing produces coconut oil and coconut meal.
Coconut oil, aside from being used in cooking as an ingredient and
for frying, is used in soaps, cosmetics, hair-oil, and massage oil.
Husks and shells
The husk and shells can be used
for fuel and are a source of charcoal. Activated carbon manufactured
from coconut shell is considered extremely effective for the removal
of impurities. The coconut's obscure origin in foreign lands led to
the notion of using cups made from the shell to neutralise poisoned
drinks. The cups were frequently engraved and decorated with precious
A dried half coconut shell with
husk can be used to buff floors.
In Asia, coconut shells are also
used as bowls and in the manufacture of various handicrafts,
including buttons carved from dried shell. Coconut buttons are often
used for Hawaiian aloha shirts. The shell is called can be used as a
soup bowl and—if fixed with a handle—a ladle. In Thailand, the
coconut husk is used as a potting medium to produce healthy forest
tree saplings. The process of husk extraction from the coir bypasses
the retting process, using a custom-built coconut husk extractor.
Fresh husks contains more tannin than old husks. Tannin produces
negative effects on sapling growth. In parts of South India, the
shell and husk are burned for smoke to repel mosquitoes.
Coconut trunk
Coconut trunks are used for
building small bridges and huts; they are preferred for their
straightness, strength, and salt resistance. In Kerala, coconut
trunks are used for house construction. Coconut timber comes from the
trunk, and is increasingly being used as an ecologically sound
substitute for endangered hardwoods.
Hawaiians hollowed the trunk to
form drums, containers, or small canoes. The "branches"
(leaf petioles) are strong and flexible enough to make a switch. The
use of coconut branches in corporal punishment was revived in the
Gilbertese community on Choiseul in the Solomon Islands in 2005.
The roots are used as a dye, a
mouthwash, and a medicine for diarrhea and dysentery. A frayed piece
of root can also be used as a toothbrush.
Beauty products
Coconuts are used in the beauty
industry in moisturizers and body butters. The coconut shell may also
be ground down and added to products for exfoliation of dead skin.
Coconut is also a source of lauric acid, which can be processed in a
particular way to produce sodium lauryl sulfate, a detergent used in
shower gels and shampoos.
According to an urban legend,
more deaths are caused by falling coconuts than by sharks annually.
In World War II, coastwatcher scout Biuku Gasa was the first of two from the Solomon Islands to reach the shipwrecked and wounded crew of Motor Torpedo Boat PT-109 commanded by future U.S. president John F. Kennedy. Gasa suggested, for lack of paper, delivering by dugout canoe a message inscribed on a husked coconut shell, reading “Nauru Isl commander / native knows posit / he can pilot / 11 alive need small boat / Kennedy.” This coconut was later kept on the president's desk, and is now in the John F. Kennedy Library.
Many varieties of coconuts C.
nucifera are being cultivated in many countries. These vary by the
taste of the coconut water and color of the fruit, as well as other
genetic factors.
Dwarf yellow coconut
Dwarf orange coconut
Golden Malay coconut
Dwarf green coconut
Fiji Dwarf (Niu Leka)
Green Malay coconut
King coconut
Makapuno coconut
Maypan coconut
Nawassi coconut
Yellow Malay coconut
Fruit types
Yellow Coconut
Red Coconut
Hybrid (red and green mix) and
Green Coconuts
Sunday, September 17, 2017
GLOW tract distribution
Sorry for not posting in a long time.
We distributed 1,000,000 GLOW tracts in Dar es salaam. It was exciting to see that people wanted to read them. Most people would take them to read, although a few didn't take the tracts. We had multiple titles to give out including Siri za afya ya kiakili (Secrets of mental health), Kuvunja mazoea mabaya (Breaking addictions).
We have had many people calling to ask for more. Praise the lord.
We distributed 1,000,000 GLOW tracts in Dar es salaam. It was exciting to see that people wanted to read them. Most people would take them to read, although a few didn't take the tracts. We had multiple titles to give out including Siri za afya ya kiakili (Secrets of mental health), Kuvunja mazoea mabaya (Breaking addictions).
We have had many people calling to ask for more. Praise the lord.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Big truck, big fun
We're at my aunt's house in Summer Shade, KY and this drives by! Whoopee! Check out my channel on YouTube. My channel name is "Kibidula Kid." I'll post some videos on it.
Joshua Schoch
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
I'm sorry for not blogging in a long time. I think it's been
11 months since my last post. I translated for Mom when she taught health at
the evangelism school. I've also been translating every morning at the Ag
school for health classes.
A month ago the Cootz's container arrived.
About 2 hours before it arrived at Kibidula, a fire from the burning of a fire-break that had been burnt
that day jumped across a road and lit part of Kibidula on fire. So we got to
fight fire AND unload a 40 foot container in one night. We finished unloading
the container and got home about midnight! Another time during this dry season, someone (an
arsonist) lit a fire on Kibidula in another area. It took about an hour to put it out.
Then about 3 weeks ago we received calls to help the village
near us with another arson fire (on Sabbath). Well it was approximately about
1.5 miles long and ¾ mile wide. After about 3 hours it was put out.

So keep praying for us as we are not out of fire season.
Things in the mission field are NOT BORING. I hope to keep
you updated better.
- Joshua
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Our London Layover
On our layover in London we took a tour for a few hours. We were able to see The Shard, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, The London Eye, and part of Hyde Park. We really enjoyed ourselves even though we were sleepy.
Westminster Abbey |
More of Westminster Abbey |
And More |
The Eye |
The Shard |
Hyde Park |
Mounted Police in Hyde Park |
Big Ben |
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